Black Fox Mining LLC is a Colorado Limited Liability Company formed in August of 2014 that is classified as a corporation for tax purposes. Formed by Matt and Lina Collins in response to persistent requests for their services as mining and environmental engineers (respectively) in consulting roles.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins have worked in the mining industry for several decades and have been involved in the development and operation of mines in the North America and Europe.  For more information about these individuals, please refer to Meet the Team.

Black Fox Mining LLC (“Black Fox”) has provided training, engineering and design services on projects ranging from US Department of Defense facilities and teams, mine startups in remote locations, reactivation of historic mines, mine remediation and closures to complete mine/mill operation. 

With a staff of experienced and degreed professionals, Black Fox performs underground surveying, 3D mine modeling and design, mine evaluation and technical reporting, mineral processing design and evaluation, regulatory permitting and compliance, environmental site management and regulatory compliance, mine safety management and training, mine rescue training and service arrangement, exploration drilling, mine/mill management and turn-key mine/mill operation.

From a staff of one, we have grown to over 30 professional, technical and highly experienced mining personnel. Our team is remarkable, resourceful and supremely competent to solve difficult problems. We are a unique group of men and women that are passionate about what we do. ​

Our Mission Statement

Our purpose is to provide the metals and minerals that improve human life in the most environmentally compatible ways possible.

Our Vision

We undertake the tasks that many see as impossible, and we create solutions that provide the optimum balance between efficacy, efficiency, and value.

Our Values

  • SAFETY–We strive to be leaders in safety, always placing first priority on the safety of our team and our neighbors.
  • INTEGRITY–Honesty and high ethical standards guide our every action, word, and behavior.
  • ENVIRONMENT–We care about our community and our standard of living, treating every project as though it were our own.
  • LEGACY–Our actions today will have lasting and far reaching effects that we want to be proud of.